Axiom apertus Camera: A camera 4K Open Source

The camera apertus apertus Axiom is an open source project that aims to produce a camera with a sensor 4K Super 35, Cinema file format DNG (8-12 bit), 150fps at 4K, a 15-step shutter generic and dynamic range. They have used a campaign of crowdfunding

The idea of a video camera Open Source you can intrigue. Really apertus has a small sensor but the project is licensed under the GPL allows anyone to come later and change the sensor by a bigger, better, for example. This means that there would be the 'known' patent issues.

If you really reached this chamber, mixing Sony, RED and Canon , the market with this price level below $ 10,000, things might shake a little on the market. Of course performance, reliability and confidence in the product are key elements to become a real actor in the market. And that apertus is a project born in 2006 and is part of Open Cinema movement.