Go directly to 00:54 to see see in action the new Nikon D4 we already knew that one of the beasts that are on the loose in the photographic market in a few months. His bursts of 11 frames per second have been little seen, little heard even in the jungle. Fewer still are those who have been fortunate to meet her. But that was until today.
And is that the inner workings of these things is difficult to see at a glance. But if you have a Phantom camera, there is less of a problem . So from Scheimpflug have been put to work. Thus Jayson Jason Kolsch and Jordan used a Phantom with a Zeiss CP2 Gold Macro to capture the D4 at 1000 fps. The scene using torches lit up Joker-Bug 800 and 400 of K5600 . The result can not be more spectacular.