Upgrade the firmware on your Nikon 1 to version 1.10 and using the adapter FT1

Just over two months after Nikon announced the placing on the market for its first cameras without a mirror, the Nikon Nikon J1 and V1 , comes the first firmware update to version 1.10 the option that includes "pixel mapping" ( or pixel mapping) and prepares these two cameras for the release of the adapter FT1.

The pixel mapping option will allow the camera to review the presence of dead or stuck pixels , ie pixels that have stopped functioning and are always black or white in the pictures. This way we can "fix" the camera automatically from these non-functional pixels that arise by simply using the camera without having to send the camera to the workshop as a regular officer should be done with other cameras. As I have understood, this "repair" it does is interpolate the information surrounding the defective pixels to display a tone and color as accurate as possible, so not a real repair.

As for the FT1 adapter , it is an accessory that allows us to use lenses with F-mount SLR cameras themselves in either Nikon Nikon 1. This adapter is scheduled to go on sale in Japan on December 22, 2011 . The Nikon batteries have to include some improvements in the firmware of these cameras to increase the functionality of the F-mount lenses on their cameras without a mirror. We then find that if you update the firmware, using the F mount adapter for FT1 in our Nikon Nikon 1, we will have:
  • Objectives autofocus when using AF-S . We set the focus mode to AF-S (Autofocus simple). The autofocus is limited to the central point.
  • The focus indicator will work with CPU lens
  • Exposure modes [P], [S] [A] and [M] can also be used with CPU lens
  • Exposure modes [A] and [M] may be used if we have goals without CPU . In this case, the aperture value of what we indicate with the aperture ring of the objective itself.
  • Functional vibration reduction when we use VR lenses
  • Shooting in "Motion Snapshot" (Snapshot in motion) can only PLS when we get the focus with AF-S
  • The rapid selector photographs may not be used
The adapter will allow us to use FT1 objectives of our Nikon F-mount SLR our camera without mirror but with a multiplication factor of 2.7 x what makes a lens like the 24-70mm pass to become a 64.8 - 189mm. The price of release of this adapter will be around $ 300 .

Although at first not seem to make much sense to use F-mount lenses on these cameras as the set size increases considerably, it may be a good option to start to take our camera without a mirror with the objectives we already have our Nikon SLR.

In addition to coincide with this firmware update, Adobe released a new update to Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom in addition to other improvements, added support for the Nikon J1 and V1 .

To update the firmware of your Nikon series 1, followed to the letter the instructions of the manufacturer that offers Nikon.