Nikon F2 (1971-1980)

The Nikon F2 is a 35 mm SLR camera manufactured by Nippon Kogaku (Nikon) in Japan between 1971 and 1980.Considered by many as the best and most robust mechanical camera Nikon F2 can draw attention today by design , archaic and cumbersome, which leaves no one indifferent. In his day was one of the best professional cameras and today is still admired as a masterpiece of engineering, one of the latest achievements of the mechanical era before the advent of electronics. Its many lenses and accessories made ​​from a camera ready F2 to perform professionally with any task. Its sights and interchangeable focusing screens, motors and back, among other accessories, the F2 became a versatile modular camera, ready to meet the most demanding photographer. In addition to its many functions, the robust quality of the F2 provides excellent resistance to the passage of time and high performance in extreme conditions and temperatures. With the Nikon F2 is proposed to update its legendary Nikon F maintaining all the features that made ​​it a truly professional camera, including details that other manufacturers obviated. For example, professional Nikon cameras are among the few which offers a 100% viewfinder coverage. That is, through the viewfinder is exactly the same image that is projected onto the focal plane. Normally, the viewers in other SLRs only cover up to 93% or 97%, so the pictures actually recorded a little more than what you see through the viewfinder. But in the F2, as in other professional Nikon, what you see is exactly what you get. The Nikon F2 displays and also has interchangeable focusing screens, mirror lockup, depth of field preview, a back cover connected by Removable hinge but also a function to make multiple exposures on the same frame, engine and ability to incorporate a vast system of high quality targets and accessories accurately. In short, the Nikon F2 was a real professional camera aimed at press photographers, scientists and other professionals. When we say that the Nikon F2 is a mechanical camera, we mean that is controlled by gears, springs, not electronics . The effectiveness of a mechanical camera, therefore, depends on how well they are designed parts, which account for more than F2 1500, according toMIR . These parts, usually metal, form a complex mechanism designed to work precisely and always a source of energy. The only electronic circuit that has the Nikon F2 is the one that controls the meter. Otherwise, all camera functions are performed mechanically. According to Hillebrand, and Hauschild , parts of the shutter and bayonet, usually subject to great efforts were made ​​from alloy steel, nickel and chromium, a material test more corrosion resistant than steel. Moreover, according to MIR , F2 structure is made ​​of silumin, an alloy of aluminum, silicon and copper. Such an amount of metal parts make the camera, without lens, although about 800 grams. The high performance of the Nikon F2, its effectiveness and durability have made ​​it is usually considered as the best mechanical SLR camera ever made. The F2 is variously referred to as the viewer has. The term "Photomic" refers to the meter and can be ignored to abbreviate the name of the camera.