Tips To Be A Better Pet Photographer

After children the most popular subject for photography are pets. The perfect picture of your pet can be achieved using these tips. It is easier to click pets with a longer telephoto lens even though good pictures can be achieved by using any kind of lens.

When using a telephoto lens it is possible to stand at a distance far away that the pet does not scare off. By avoiding interference to the pet's attention, we can get a natural photo. Clicking a pet on his level is the best way to get a good picture. Being on our hands and knees is the only way to get good pictures since most pets are smaller than us. But the results will be worth it particularly if you can get your pet to look straight into the lens.

To capture your pet on film, you should be ready and quick. Having the focus already set on the pet and the exposure already set is the only way to be ready. Refocusing or resetting the metering shouldn't be done.

Proper exposure is easy for most pet photographs. The camera should be used on auto mode or else the exposure should be set according to the light meter. Bracketing is essential for clicking very dark or white animals.

When photographing a white pet, you can open up one or two f stops after taking the meter reading. A lower f stop by one or two stops would capture better darker shades while clicking a darker pet.

Mentioned earlier was the importance of pre-focusing the lens, but what should you focus on? The answer to that is very simple. If the pet is out of focus, the flaw can be hidden by simply focusing on the eye. An appealing picture is ensured when we focus the eye.

A pet with dark feathers or fur surrounding a dark eye must be photographed by taking note of a highlight in the eye. You can do this by turning on a light in the room or turning the pet to face the sun outside. One thing that can detract from a good pet photograph is the background. Positioning your pet in front a plain background is good practice. Your pet will stand out in the picture if you use a simpler background.

While you click your pet, you might want to keep a friend nearby. Ask your friend to capture the pet's attention while you click the pictures. This is great particularly if you have one of those curious pets that keep on walking towards you to find out what you're doing. When you utilize these tips along with a lot of patience, you would get perfect pictures.

If you are ready and quick, you can click a picture of your pet. The exposure must be pre-set and the pet already on focus in order to be ready to click the picture. Focusing again or resetting the metering should not be done.